Tolerance of the true faith eu4
Tolerance of the true faith eu4

tolerance of the true faith eu4

History: Nobody knows much about their history, not even the very inhabitants of this place seem to. Ideas: Idea Cost, Stability, Discipline, Production, Infantry Quality, Trade Value, Settlers, Diplomat Many who sought to truly live free, or at least as free as it gets, made their way to what was called Cuba in another version of history.

tolerance of the true faith eu4

History: Where some say Iberia was the first to note what lies west across the great sea with interest, these free men of England say otherwise. Ideas: Colonist, Morale, Trade Influence, Naval(frigate) Upkeep, Trade Range, Trade Income, Embargo Efficiency, Naval(frigate) Quality Traditions: Manpower Recovery & Privateer Efficiency With a most wise and respected hero of Germany accepting the new Imperial Throne, they yet had hope and to continue to grasp at it they would have to draw the support of those looking to the future rather than those grasping at the past. These idealistic men of merit, power, and most substantial influence dubbed their rebel state “The Imperium” in true anti-Pope fashion. After reinvigorating the assassination industry and stoking the pride of the German people, the dusty old nobles were buried or wisely fled. Thus numerous patriotic aristocrats & merchants came together at the heart of Germany, together they plotted against those in power at the most powerful region beyond Austria. History: Nearly worse than Rome during its collapse, the Holy Roman Empire was in a sorry divided state. Ideas: Trade Influence, Tax, Cultural Acceptance, Discipline, Prestige, Manpower, Production, Tolerance of Heretics, Diplomat Will He unite Christendom or will it unite against what they may condemn as a gilded tyrannical affront to God? Reforming the Vatican’s function to that of an empire, much like Byzantium used to be, headed by a most Holy Imperial Father. History: Through convoluted alternate history stuff, the Papacy in the years leading up to 1444 accumulated worldly power and influence unrivaled in its history. Ideas: Trade Steering, Idea Cost, National Unrest, Taxes, Missionary Strength, Discipline, Prestige, Culture Threshold Religion: Catholic (or Reformed Protestant) When it became clear to the local chief that their homeland was being corrupted by the tireless force of Christendom, it was decided that they would solely dedicate themselves to conquering this new land. Slowly but surely they established an outpost apart from the old world on the eastern coast of America inadvertently salvaging their way of life. History: Viking foraging parties had sailed westward sometime ago to gather resources, establishing a colony near what was in another history called Plymouth. Ideas: Settlers, Enemy Attrition, Manpower Recovery, Building Power Cost, Leader Maneuver, Unjustified Demands(or Culture Conversion Cost), Leader Shock, Trade TariffsĪmbition: Prestige/Medium Ship buff/Pirating Effectiveness

Tolerance of the true faith eu4